Home News Local Businessman Vows To Develop Zvishavane In Five Years Time.

Local Businessman Vows To Develop Zvishavane In Five Years Time.


Zvishavane based businessmen Advocate Hebert Tafa has embarked on an initiative to support the growth of Zvishavane which will see the town transformed by 2025 through a number of projects targeting infrastructure development.

Speaking to GreatDykeNews24, Advocate Tafa said his vision is to see Zvishavane becoming one of the business centres that is going to attract attention of the nation.

“Zvishavane is one of the fastest growing towns . If you check the level of development that is happening in Zvishavane in five years time l tell you, Zvishavane will be seeking to be upgraded in its status.

“Let me also tell you that there is an idea that is being developed to have a Zvishavane show society in Zvishavane,” he said.

Recently, President Emmerson Mnangagwa urged business people and mining companies around Zvishavane to contribute to the development of the place in line with his vision of Zimbabwe becoming a middle income economy by 2030.

Mimosa recently handed over a double story girls hostel at the Zvishavane Vocational Training Centre and a private ward at Zvishavane District hospital.

According to Tafa, the developments will also complement the initiatives in the area.

“We’ve got Companies around like Mimosa and Murowa Diamonds they are doing a great job.

“They are doing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) so that is also going to complement the developments that are being done by the business community in Zvishavane.

“So we expect and contemplate to have a new status in five years’ time,” he added.

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Advocate Tafa who is into energy and agriculture said his vision is to see Zvishavane becoming a breadbasket of the country through his agricultural projects in the area.

“l was allocated this farm under the land reform programme by Government. So, l took advantage of that and l started doing agriculture here.

“As you’re aware this area (Zvishavane) is known for mainly mining but l decided to go for agriculture. We have good soils here we’ve got land that is big enough to do horticulture and we have borehole water, so we’re currently into horticulture.

“We are also doing cattle ranching here. We treat this as a business unlike what people normally do in this region, it’s actually known for subsistence farming but we have different ideas here.

“We want to treat it as a business, we believe it’s possible for us to grow enough vegetables, enough crops here for the Zvishavane community and Zimbabwe at large.

“Actually , we realized that there’s a very good market for vegetables here in Zvishavane if you go to Mandava Market people are selling crops and vegetables coming from as far as Gweru, Mutare Harare and other places afar.

“That means there’s a gap to be filled by us farmers here in Zvishavane. We have joined others who are also into Horticulture . We promise to assist in feeding the nation,” he said.

Currently, advocate Tafa is constructing a multi-million dollar fuel station in Zvishavane which he said should start benefiting the community by December this year.

He added that he is also looking forward to developing a fast food outlet on the same premises.