Home News Great Dyke Local Authorities Adjusting To New Normal In The Health Sector.

Great Dyke Local Authorities Adjusting To New Normal In The Health Sector.


The Covid-19 pandemic has forced local authorities in the Great Dyke to take drastic measures to address health system deficiencies that have existed for years.

In Gokwe the Local authority has converted a once-popular recreational beerhall facility into a Covid-19 health facility. Great Dyke News spoke to Gokwe Mayor Never Gwanzura.

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In the Midlands capital, the local authority has finally made progress converting the controversial Mayoral mansion at the Kopje into a Covid-19 isolation facility. Gweru City Spokesperson Vimbai Chingwaramuse said the facility has been identified for those whose homes are not suitable for self isolation

As at 13 August 2020, Zimbabwe had 4 990 confirmed cases, including 1 927 recoveries and 128 deaths. The Midlands Province has 111 active cases while 341 patients have recovered and 6 patients have succumbed to the epidemic.


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